Story Of The Year - Wake Up

BruPlayer - KniGhT 4rm MaRs

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

BCG - Day 2


Day 2 - 9th January, 2009.

Second day of BCG. Event started at 10.30am. I arrived at the ICC about 10am. As usual like the first day, set up all the platforms and equipments. Nothing much happened in the morning, only the PES09 tourney.

The BruPlay peeps, we didnt go to the mosque to have our friday's prayer. We had to stayed there to look after the consoles, afraid that someone might stole it. Ahaha. Then, precisely at 2.30pm, the PES09 started. It ended at 4-ish pm.

Then, came the RB part. 5 bands competed during the second day. The Covers (my band), Lumut Band (i hate these guys), Team Frag Factory and two other bands which i forgot their names. Ahaha. We sang the same songs like the first day did. We got 2nd place. We went through the top 5 semi-finals. Ohh yeah, forgot to mention that the song creep, my band got the highest points. ;D

After the RB tourney has finished, i bravely approached this one girl from the band called 'Emanon'. So yeah, we talked and got to know each other, that kind of stuffs. Bla bla bla bla, now we're friends. Hehe.

But sadly i didnt spend much time talking to her as i had to go home at 6pm. I didnt even say goodbye to her. Sigh..

Got back home, feeling tired and headache. Plus i was still having my cough, so i had to rest. Well, Thats about it. My second day of BCG ended pretty bad. Darn it with my sickness. Sigh..

Day 2 ended.

P/S: Why i hate the Lumut Band? Hey, I'm not the only one who hate those guys. Even the BruPlay people hates them too. They humiliated the BruPlay community in Rano's cbox. They said that we're not being honest and fair with the public. Say all you want, Lumut Band. But the truth is already been revealed. A lot of people support BruPlay's protest, unlike you guys which a lot of people hates you now. So, bugger off you bullocks!

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