Day 1 - 8th January, 2009.
We came about 2pm. My brother, hasher87 and me went there together. We agreed with the bruPlay people to meet up at the ICC's main entrance. When we arrived there, Loco6669, pmh168, orosensei, lordazri, kaparo13, Munky_Gaban were all waiting in front of the ICC. So we all talked a few minutes, then went inside.
Inside, at the main hall. We all installed our consoles, set up all the equipments and stuffs. After all of that were done, we played COD4, PES09 and RB2 while waiting for the others to come.
The first tourney starts around 4pm with the RB2 (Rock Band 2) competition. 'Emanon' and 'Pisang' each performed two songs. Creep by Radiohead and Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi, which were the first and second songs they sang respectively.
Then, the COD4 (Call of Duty 4) tourney. I joined along with 4 other peeps which i do not know all of them at all. The chosen maps were Bog and Vacant. At Bog, i got 80 points which put me in the 5th place. But i did manage to get 2nd place at Vacant, scoring 140 points. I lost and didnt get to the semi-finals but hey, at least i had fun. After all, its just a game.
At 7pm, which was the PES09 tourney started. I won 2 games and 1 draw. I managed to beat Ahmad Tamimi who was the champion of PES09 tourney at Le' Stadium. I went through the second round which will be played on Sundays.
After all the tourneys finished. We all went home at 10pm. But before that, we took a group photo and had a team meeting. Then, we ciao ciao. Hehe.
Day 1 ended.
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